Saturday, November 21, 2009

How To Increase Your Child's IQ

The best time to develop your child's brain is during his early childhood. The right kind of stimulation during the period will create the necessary connections in his brain which will promote intelligence and emotional stability.

What you can do:
  • Raise your child in a warm, loving environment
  • Engage your child in a mentally stimulating activities which help improve his memory, help boost his mental capacity and help sharpen his critical thinking.
  • Introduce your child to formal musical training by age of 4 to make him a stronger science and math student.
  • Limit the amount of time of your child spends watching TV, DVDs and playing video games. Too much time spent doing these add up to poor grades in school.
  • Engage your child in physical activities. It boosts levels of the growth hormone in the brain which makes better brain cells.
  • Keep your child happy, relaxed and stimulated. These are the times when he learns best.
Hope this will help you moms out there. Just read it from a Smart Parenting Magazine and I thought of sharing all these to you!

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